Grower units
We offer all the main housing designs and systems for grower unit such as weaner, wean-to-finish and finisher units. And as in all other matters our main focus is equipment quality and hygiene. Our products and systems are characterized by robustness, a wide variety of materials and dimensions We can therefore find the right solution for every need.
We have developed our own feeder – VISSINGMAT 60 and 100 cm for dry feeding. The feeder is designed for easy learning, low feed wastage and space for many pigs. For liquid feeding we offer pen partions with integrated feed pipe to achieve the best possible distribution of feed in the trough.

Weaner unit
Pigs are moved to the weaner unit after weaning, which must meet the environmental requirements of the young animals. We offer the most up-to-date penning and micro environment for weaned pigs and provide a variety of systems and materials.
Weaner pens might be designed in many ways. The most common systems are made of 35 mm plastic board, 10 mm fiber panels or 50 mm plastic panels. The pen might be provided with trough for ad lib or restricted liquid feeding as well as dry feeding using ad lib feeder. Normally, we include a grid for contact between pigs in neighboring pens for controlling the pigs defecation behavior which is also supported by use of a sprinkling system wetting the floor in the desired dunging area. The pen might be provided with small gates or gates with the width of the pen. The two climate cover can be made in several types of material and is offered as a two-part or three-part unit with manual or automatic opening via motor. The size of the cover is designed according to the number of pigs in the pen and the space allowance is based on an area of 0.09 – 0.11 m2 per pig providing a good microenvironment while maintaining a good pen hygiene.
Water is provided via water cups as a standard securing plenty of water while reducing wastage.
Finisher unit
The finisher unit is typically used for pigs from 20-30 kg until slaughter. The wean-to-finish unit is used from weaning until slaughter for from 7-120 kg. The main difference is that the wean-to-finish pens include a cover above the pigs’ lying area and a smaller distance between the vertical bars in the contact grid iron to avoid trapping of pigs, as well as the design of the floor. Furthermore, the design of the feeding system is adapted to the higher weight range. Thus, the trough height is lower and the feeding system provides more diets during the growing period than for a conventional finisher unit.
The equipment for these pens is available in different types of materials and heights and are designed according to the current recommendations and published test results. Penning might be provided as 35 mm plastic panel, 10 mm compact fiber or as a 50 mm panel solution. All three types of materials for penning solutions are made in different heights and can be designed as required for liquid or dry feeding including contact grids of different measures and materials.
Custom-made design
We have developed our penning and gates to meet our customers’ requirements of easy entry with self-closing gates and raising-lowering function for optimal hygiene. We also provide custom-made narrow gates as well as gates at the full width of the pen, which can be opened in both sides facilitating easy movement of pigs in and out of the pen.
In addition, our customers can choose between penning of variable height according to the needs.